EBUS TBNA (Endobronchial Ultrasound-guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration) is a procedure that allows the doctor to look into your lungs (similar to a bronchoscopy) but them to take samples of the glands in the center of your chest (mediastinum) using the aid of an ultrasound scan, as these glands lie right next to the normal breathing tubes (bronchi).

A flexible tube (bronchoscope), which is about the size of a man’s little finger, is passed into your lungs via your mouth (you will have a mouthguard and some protective glasses on) . A small camera at the end of the bronchoscope enables the doctor to look directly into your windpipe (trachea) and breathing tubes (bronchi). A small ultrasound probe on the end of the camera allows the doctor to see the glands ( lymph nodes) in the center of the chest (mediastinum) and take samples under real time vision.


During the procedure

  • This test is done under general anesthesia and anesthesia is provided as a team by the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) under the supervision of physician anesthesiologist.
  • Although small needles are involved, the patients do not experience pain as there are no pain receptors coating the airways. However, coughing is expected and during the intervention the cough reflex is reduced with topical anesthetics and intravenous sedatives.  Following sedation patients may not remember anything about the test.
  • Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) is a technique for immediate evaluation of samples obtained with EBUS-TBNA.  A cytopathologist performs a rapid stain of the collected samples for an immediate evaluation. The aims of ROSE are to increase sampling adequacy, improving diagnostic yield of EBUS-TBNA and ensuring collection of adequate material for ancillary studies
  • The whole procedure takes about 20-30 minutes.
  • Monitored recovery takes place in the recovery unit of the endoscopy suite, typically for an hour.

You will receive a follow up appointment in approximately 7-10 days afterwards, when the results will be discussed with you.